@>---- Jiwa Harus Kental Walau Hidup Tidak Selalu Indah ----<@


The Fins!!!

They are The Fins atau lebih di kenali sebagai Fin Chemistry kat area utara nih...well, dorg nih kwn2 aku...sumpah rse xrugi pon jmpe dorg...even aku xtawu sgt pasal mereka sbb aku jarang di dedahkan atas sebab sebab tertentu, tp aku enjoy dgr dorg punye music, songs n lyrics. some of those lyrics actually give me strength to go on with my miserable life. those kind of song like mengjar bintang, syurga, tanpa kamu, beautiful and others sometimes giving me full of very powerful meaning. and kadang2 effect hidup aku...

To The Fins members, aku respect korg n aku support korg n aku akn tlg korg if aku boleh utk korg naik sama sama ngn artis indie yg ada kat malaysia nih...aku tlg promote n menyibuk curi2 and promote2 n editing gmbr korg mcm yg aku tgh buat sekarang. maybe bile aku dah xde kt penang nnt aku dah xkn ade kesempatan nk jmpe ngn korg n sembang2 n lepak2 ngn korg..dan siapa tahu waktu aku dah xde ngn korg tibe2 aku dpt tau korg dah setaraf ngn budak2 indie lain kt malaysia...

So, now let's get to know them first..pada yg dah kenal keep on reading ye...

ok...penat betol oter gmbr nih...fuh! ok this one played as the vocalist of this group and of course as lead guitarist. nama penuh...xpyh la aku sebut kt cni...and tuan punya badan nih sendiri pon hanya mahu dikenali sebagai nama commersial nya iaitu Malie. dulu waktu mula kenal dia ada ckp dia asal mane...tp aku dah xigt...but hell yes! aku dah tgk fb die..die asal Taiping, Perak. kalau korg dgr lagu2 dorg nih...yang menyanyi tu...hah! suara die la tu...pernah sekali je aku gi karoke ngn die..and yep...i bet u!! He really really had a very good voice!! very talented!! die nih kira senior aku la kat uitm...amek electrical engineering mcm aku jgk...aku rse budak2 electric mcm kami nih memg berbakat dlm bidang music la....hahhahah...well, org nye peramah, kelakar, hensem pon hensem..huhu...baik hati, boleh di katakan character die nih sgt interesting..and...ade gak antara member2 aku kalau aku tnjuk die nih kt dorg, ade yg tny...dah kawen ke??ooppsss...single or x...find out sendiri la gurls...hahah! ok next!!

ok...now.. he is Syai..very really nice name n easy for people to remember him because of his unique name, coming from seberang jaya, pulau pinang. Don't judge a book by its cover. Don't judge a person by their appearance. hehe... Syai nih muka je nmpk garang...but dlm hati ada taman...first time tgk die..aku igt die nih mcm garang la..takut nk baik ngn die..but bile once dah berkawan...baru kita tawu die nih baik hati sebenar nya...he also had a quite good looking, cute, handsome, awesome, interesting, macho, smart face! hahah...jgn bg die bce blog nih...nnt terbang sampai bulan!! well, ok...he played as the second guitarist for this music band.he is very talented...aku tgk die main gitar mmg nk gugur jantung la..he is really good in that! according to stories, his talent is discovered by the vocalist Fins sendiri iaitu Malie. ok....dah xleh ckp byk2 pasal die...nnt timbul kontroversi susah aku nk menjawab kang!hahah...next!!

orait....seperti yg dpt kita lihat dengan nama di atas...inilah sham the basist for this group. ingin aku mention kat sini..sham also one of my boyfriend's best friend!!heheh...ok now story bout his talent playing base guitar.yep of course he is very good in that. well, aku xtawu sgt nk ckp pasal sham nih sbb aku xbrape kenal sgt die..but yg aku tawu dia mmg boleh main base dengan sgt baik. good for Fins also! untuk sham, teruskan bermain untuk Fins!! :) next!!!!

alamak...apesal pic kau kecik ek???huhu...its ok la...ok...Tarra!!! now we meet the drummer!!! he is known as Matt among of his frens! and also i guess will be his commersial name later...his talent playing drum is discovered also by Malie! aku dah beberapa kali ikut dorg training dulu...and i think die nih ade very high potential utk Fins..and ape lg aku nk ckp pasal die?? dah memg die boleh main drum!! sbb tu die drummer...selain drummer die pon boleh men guitar..pernah sekali aku tgk die lead..and yep! he is good!huhu....

so...itu la The Fin Chemistry..band yg mungkin bakal mencipta sejarah dalam industri music indie tanah air. satu je reason kenape aku bangga dgn mereka...sbb aku nmpk bakat dan kesungguhan mereka untuk mencipta nama dan berdiri atas kaki sendiri bagi menaikkan music dan lagu ciptaan mereka sendiri. Plus dorg lak kwn2 aku..xkn aku nk kondem dorg kot..mesti la aku sokong and jd fan number 1 dorg!!!

erk!! aku xtawu knape..tp kalau korg tgk profile Fin Chemistry kat fb korg kan nmpk Fins ade 2 team manager. one of them is Mr. E. and this is the pic of Mr. E and also aku nk mention disini dia lah boyfriend aku...he also good in base guitar. tp die men mse training je.mse performance......errr....dun wanna say a word la...hahah...I Love You...

dan akhir kata...aku harap dan doakan semoga Fin Chemistry bakal mencipta nama dan berdiri setanding dgn band2 indie yg dah berjaya dan terkenal dlm industri muzik Malaysia. Cheers for The Fins!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!

p/s : korg2 enjoy la dgr lgu2 fin chemistry di..... www.facebook.com/Fin-Chemistry...